apple cider vinegar; FINALLY

Image result for braggs apple cider vinegar

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. I have finally figured you out. For weeks and weeks this mysterious liquid has been appearing on my feed and so i took it as a sign to give it a try. After trial and error over and over again, I have finally figured out how to get it down without getting either 1.) severe  heart burn, and or 2.) the urge to projectile vomit and I’m ready to share my not so secret, secret.

So, word on the street is that consuming between 1 to 2 tablespoons could possibly have the following effects;

  • Help an upset stomach
    • Pectin in the cider is known to sooth intestinal aches and pains
  • Reduce cholesterol
    • The acetic acid in ACV is known to help fight off high cholesterol levels.
  • Help fight indigestion
  • Lose weight
    • The acid content can help suppress hunger, and also increase your metabolism.
  • Help with dry scalp
    • The acidity of the vinegar can prevent harmful bacteria from growing on the scalp that can cause dryness.
  • Avoid blemishes
    • The acidity kills bacteria.
  • Instant energy boost
  • Stop chronic bad breath
    • High acid content kills off germs in the mouth that can cause bad breath.
  • Improve blood sugar
    • ACV prevents and slows the break down of starches in the digestion process.

These are just a few benefits off of the long list of possible pros that ACV offers. But why apple cider vinegar you might be wondering? According to LiveStrong,  “Apple cider vinegar contains citric acid, formic acid, malic acid, lactic acid and succinic acid as well as acetic acid. Because apple cider vinegar is made with apples, it also contains multiple types of antioxidants called polyphenols which can have beneficial effects on health.” So in a nut shell, ACV offers more vitamins and minerals over a distilled vinegar. Also, ACV is a fermented food, meaning the enzymes have been preserved. All these potential benefits AND it all makes sense. Whats the catch?? Its  brutal to get down.

The brand I choose to purchase was “Braggs” with the mother. This mother, basically refers to the strands of proteins and enzymes that settle in the bottom. I was able to buy a 32 oz bottle at Kroger for only 5 dollars so it definitely isn’t an investment. But let’s get into the truth of this.

Day One; I woke up SO excited to give this a try. I had no idea what exactly I was getting myself into so i poured about 1 tablespoon and a half into a shot glass and threw it back. LETS GO. Jokes though, it was painful to get down and the pain didn’t go away. Taking the vinegar straight shocked my system and gave me severe heart burn that lasted all day. Day 1 = fail.

Day Two; Lets give this another try. This time, I put another tablespoon and a half into a full cup of water. This was arguably worse. It took approx. 8 gulps to get it down and each one made me want to throw up more. But, I got it down and felt similarly to how I do after a cup of coffee, and went off to class with a boost of energy and no heart burn.

Day Three; Learning from my mistakes, I mixed my usual 1.5 tablespoons but this time with only about 8 oz of water, along with a bit of honey and tossed in the microwave. VICTORY. Not only could I drink it in about two sips, but the honey really did help to mask the flavor. My biggest advice however, do not do not do not smell while you drink it. But otherwise, if you drink ACV drink it with warm water and honey. Otherwise, best of luck to you 🙂

Results; Initially, the only thing that I got from the vinegar was a short burst of energy which could get me through my first three classes of the day.  It wasn’t until about a week in to drinking it that I felt any other changes. I noticed if I drank it first thing in the morning, then I usually wasn’t too hungry until about noon which is nice when I’m running around to classes all morning. I also have noticed significantly less bloating throughout the day as well. It definitely isn’t a magic potion to cure all of your lifes problems, but so far so good. Also, I did try mixing ACV into my shampoo twice, and the results were 10/10. My hair was shiny and silky after only two washes and my split ends did appear less noticeable. This being said, MIX IT IN TO YOUR SHAMPOO. ACV is vinegar, and does smell like it so.. yeah.. you can figure out where this is going.

Rant over. In conclusion, drink your apple cider vinegar every day, but drink it with 8 oz warm water and honey, and be patient.





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